Aus RFIDInnovations wird primtec

Im Laufe der letzen Jahre haben sich im Zuge der Industrie 4.0 viele technischen Neuerungen und Möglichkeiten und daraus viele neue Anforderungen ergeben. Wir haben unser Leistungsportfolio daher beständig erweitert und unser Unternehmen neu aufgestellt.

Um diese inneren Entwicklungen auch nach außen hin sichtbar zu machen, war es an der Zeit, uns einen neuen Gesamtauftritt zu verleihen und so wurde aus RFIDInnovations nun primtec.

Hier erfahren Sie mehr!




Let’s make things really fast!

In the state-of-the-art production and logistics centre, we have introduced a modern WMS system including control centre and forklift guidance system to achieve a high throughput of goods and to optimise and automate storage-, removal- and return-processes.

Several block storage areas as well as the area of the mobile racks are captured by our system. In order to optimally organise the pallet movements, various optimisation strategies are used at the same time, which are controlled and monitored by our system. Each forklift was easily upgraded with a forklift terminal and thus integrated into our system. All activities can be conveniently analysed and controlled on the browser via a modern dashboard. The information obtained, such as the real-time stock level or even a complete base data overview, enables efficient planning for procurement and production.


  • Integration of all suppliers into the GS1 Upstream process
  • Dynamic bearing attributes with validation
  • Direct interface from the stacker to the mobile rack
  • More than 500 pallet movements per day
  • Optimised storage/removal strategies
  • Project partners Still GmbH und GS1 Austria GmbH